Alice joins panel talk hosted by Reclaim Holloway

Alice joined community activists discussing the future of HM Prison Holloway

June 26 2021

Until its closure in 2016, HM Prison Holloway was the largest female prison in western Europe. The government’s decision to sell the land presented an opportunity to honour the history of the site through the provision of a Women’s Building. However, plans submitted by developer Peabody Housing have overlooked this potential. Reclaim Holloway is part of a broader coalition of organisations and individuals working to secure the best possible outcome for the community for the site, called Community Plan 4 Holloway. Alice joined them for one in a series of online talks, with a discussion of structural inequality in architecture and how Holloway could and should become a model of equitable development.

You can find out more about Reclaim Holloway, the development and the campaign here, here and here.